The Dragon Warrior

height & weight: 6'1" 225lbs.


Planet :Earth

3 super powers:

1) Super Speed

2)Super Strength

3)Shape-shifting into lean mean green fire-breathing dragon with a clubbed tail and sharp talons.

His 2 wrestling styles

1)High Flying

2)Martial Arts

Championships-Currently Dragon Warrior is 1/3 of the ETWF Galaxy-wide 6-being tag Team Champions with Orion & The Highlander.

--Galaxy-wide tag team Champions with Orion--12/07 -4/08

Entrance: Enters to "Kung Fu Fighting" and slaps hands,claws,antennas, and tentacles of ringside fans leaps onto either wall or top ring post and does a fire-breather's act before back-flipping into ring.

Finisher: Dragon Press-Dragon Warrior flies way-way-way up to the ceiling of the arena and executes an inescapable Rick Steamboat style flying body press

Appearance: Looks a lot like Ricky The dragon Steamboat when he was in his prime.Dragon Warrior wears green leglength wrestling tights with gold dragon scale stitching, green wrestling boots and a gold vest with dragon's wings on the back which he takes off after backflipping into the ring or arena. He has shoulder length black hair which is tied in a pony tail.

History:Dragon Warrior began wrestling in ACE USA on earth and shortly afterward teamed with his longtime friend and tag-partner Orion. They won several tag team titles and competed in UWIN's FWA and APWA as well as CWA. Dragon Warrior held the Georgia State title in ACE USA's Southern region as well as the ACE World six-man title as part of the Pacific Warriors. Competed in the ETWF Invitational and lost in the final. He and Orion became so popular wih the fans that Rob Rowdy gladly signed Dragon Warrior up to a lifetime,open ended conract to wrestle in the ETWF . Rob Rowdy changed ETWF policy to include wrestlers from Earth.